
Choosing The Best Heart Failure Treatment Program

While “heart failure” sounds like the heart stops working, it only means the heart isn’t pumping as well as it should. Still, it’s dearly advised to see a cardiologist, or heart doctor, to relieve symptoms, prevent complications, and improve your quality of life. Heart failure treatment programs can involve health monitoring, medication management, lifestyle changes, and education and guidance. A comprehensive program should also include coordination of care and emotional support, but we’ll get to that later.
In this article, we look at some things to consider when choosing a heart failure treatment program. Residents in the area are invited to explore the Cardiovascular Specialists when searching for a cardiovascular doctor. Knowledgeable members of our team are on standby if you have any questions or concerns. We are also happy to schedule a face-to-face meeting at a time that works for you.

Consideration 1: Referrals and Reviews

When we begin looking for services or products, the first people we should ask include trusted people in our lives. Ask relatives and friends whether they or someone they know has experience with heart failure. They may tell you about their experience and refer you to a program you should try – or should NOT try.
You can also learn about programs by going online. Search for heart failure treatment programs in the area and be sure to read online reviews by current or past patients. Read an assortment of reviews and keep note of the pros and cons of each program.

Consideration 2: Experience and Dedication

Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with the heart, one of the five vital organs of the human body. It’s a branch that involves tremendous amounts of research, and cardiologists are experts in the field. Still, there are doctors that specialize further in specific areas, like abnormal heart rhythms, heart complications from birth, or heart failure.
If you are looking for the best heart failure treatment program, then look for an organization with a heart failure specialist and a dedicated program. Heart failure specialists are cardiologists who have completed a year of additional training specifically in heart failure management. It’s also important to learn about the doctor’s research and time in the field.

Consideration 3: Communication

The term “heart failure” might be overwhelming, but it shouldn’t be. A quality heart failure treatment program will provide clear and credible information. They will also be approachable and encourage questions so that you have a solid understanding and are at the front lines of decision-making.
Communication is not only crucial between doctor and patient. How the doctor communicates with supporting staff and other specialists and departments is also important. After all, it’s a team effort. Participating parties should be collaborative and the program should be seamless, ensuring that the patient is comfortable.

Have Questions? Call Cardiovascular Specialists

We understand you might have questions and concerns. The courteous representatives at Cardiovascular Specialists are happy to help. Call us today to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable member of our team.


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Sylvia Savoie

Hanover, PA

My mom was seen by Dr. Gilbert. She was treated like a queen. Treated her with respect and dignity and took his time even going through writing the information down so she would have the paper. I can’t say enough and the staff at the Cardiovascular Specialist of York clinic was great and friendly.

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Joann Bernard

York, PA

Dr. Gilbert provided excellent service. Both personable and professional. Went above and beyond to provide detailed explanations that I could readily understand. I've never felt more comfortable and better served. If you need a cardiologist in town, I strongly recommend seeing Dr. Gilbert.

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Karen Canzoneri

Pennville, PA

Excellent experience. Dr. Gilbert gave me a wealth of information about taking good care of myself.  I went into this appointment a little worried but came out relieved after his clear explanation and valuable health tips. If you are looking for the best cardiologist in town look no further than Cardiovascular Specialists of York.

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